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By DMWF | 6th November 2024
Hey marketers, we get it—2024 has been a really difficult year. You’re juggling a cardinal things and hardly person clip to breathe. On apical of that, pinch a flood of powerful caller AI devices and information solutions, marketers now find themselves squarely connected nan beforehand lines of nan integer transformation. But nan mobility connected each marketer’s mind is: Are these AI devices improving run results and delivering business growth?
At HubSpot, we collaborated pinch LinkedIn to excavation heavy and find answers from complete 2,300 trading leaders crossed Europe. Our latest report, “The Intersection of Marketing, Data, and AI,” uncovers really marketers are adopting AI, nan results they are seeing, and what lies ahead.
Our study shows that marketers successful Europe are already seeing singular results from leveraging AI – from run optimisation to customer engagement. In fact, apical performing trading teams are 2x much apt to beryllium successful nan later stages of AI adoption!
Here’s is simply a sneak peek of what other you’ll uncover successful nan report:
Personalisation astatine scale: 76% of marketers crossed Europe study that implementing AI solutions has improved customer experience! We place really CX winners are utilizing AI to create 1:1 personalised experiences – from advertisement targeting to email marketing!
ROI rockets successful definite regions: Check retired really marketers successful nan UKI and Benelux are outpacing others pinch a whopping 77% summation successful ROI twelvemonth connected year. Want to boost yours? The strategies they usage are surgery down for your speedy study and application.
Data is nan rate of AI: When implementing AI solutions, marketers who prioritised information value improvements and attraction saw important benefits. These marketers were much satisfied successful their expertise to way and measurement trading impact, and present an exceptional CX. This should travel arsenic nary surprise. After all, nan effectiveness of immoderate Gen AI solution is greatly influenced by not only nan value of information but its readiness to beryllium ingested.
The study besides dives into cardinal hurdles European marketers are facing successful driving AI take and really top-tier marketers are overcoming them. Give nan afloat report a publication and get equipped pinch nan latest trends and applicable AI insights to separator retired your competition!
Want to cognize much astir really AI devices tin thief marketers for illustration you create contented that breaks done nan sound and campaigns that thrust revenue? Come meet nan HubSpot team and perceive from our leaders astatine DMWF Europe! You tin find america at:
26th November (Sales Enablement, Partnerships, and Strategies track): Panel chat connected “The Keys to Buyer Engagement from Awareness to Conversion”
27th November (AI and Marketing Automation track): Keynote connected “Three steps to Marketing Success successful nan Age of AI”Both days: Join america astatine booth 112 and return portion successful breathtaking giveaways – from stroopwafels to custom-wrapped Tony’s Chocolonely bars!